Train Sim World 4

Train Sim World is a train simulator by Dovetail Games. For this UX study, I focused on the two types of people who play these types of games: casual players and hardcore simulation enthusiasts.

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Train Sim World 4

Train Sim World is a train simulator by Dovetail Games. For this UX study, I focused on the two types of people who play these types of games: casual players and hardcore simulation enthusiasts.

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The pause menu transitions into a simplified version of the world when summoned. Transitions between pages smoothly moves the camera between close up shots of the train and distant maps. Highlighted elements are clearly contrasted and defined, another problem the original interface didn't really address.

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The heads up display takes inspiration from virtual reality interfaces to give the player the sensation of wearing a high tech piece of equipment. Widgets are layered and slide with a parallax effect as the player moves the camera. Instead of displaying exact informtation, the HUD conveys only vital information to complete the objective. A common pain point in Train Sim World is the player attempting to move a train unsuccessfully because the train is improperly set up. While some friction is encouraged in game interfaces, this has always struck me as a failure in design. The HUD highlights these problem areas in red, giving the player the impression of being a professional driver without having to look up how to operate a locomotive.

For simulation enthusiasts, all of the information displayed in the HUD is also displayed diegetically in the locomotive's instruments.

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The individual instruments are displayed as if they are on a segmented display, but would feature sleek modern animations when transitioning between states. The asterisk shaped traffic instrument illuminates different segments to show information like "stop," "proceed," "crossing ahead," or "doors open." A simplified, transit inspired mini-map and compass stretches across the top of the screen, instantly showing the player if they are—quite literally—on the right track. The clock displays the railroad and scenario information for added authenticity.

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The colors are cool, sleek, and futuristic. Soft background blurs in the HUD and menus give the impression of a modern corporate brand or the type of rapid transit you'd actually be excited to ride on.


The fonts combines a modern, progressive, device first design philosophy combined with the segmented displays so often found on railroad equipment.  

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